Welcome To The Bellhaven Copper and Gold HUB On AGORACOM

Colombia & Panama gold/copper projects

Message: What to expect from BHV
Look for more drill results very soon from El Limon. Also, I'm hopeful there may be a deal with Anglo on the La Garrucha area, and that could come fairly soon. I'm also on the lookout for Panama news that everyone seems to have forgotten about. Right now they have $6.5M in the bank on a burn of $450-500k monthly. Plenty of cash and activity. With the market now heating up watch for the stock to rally, and rally hard. I stand by $2+ on this equity in a late 2013 or so buyout. IAG bought at .45/share earlier this year so I think that alludes that it's a great buy. Patrick Highsmith is a good CEO and well connected, and should do shareholders well here.
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