International Bethlehem Mining Corp
Big Bend Metals Project, Revelstoke BC - Eva Kitto property, Beardmore, Ontario
& Directors
Ronald Coombes
Mr. Coombes is a businessman who founded Orphan Boy Resources Inc. in 1995 and has served as President and C.E.O. since inception. Mr. Coombes is an experienced entrepreneur and fund raiser has been involved in mineral exploration and exploration management for the past ten years.
Chairman: Mr. Douglas L. Mason
Former President and CEO of Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation, Mr. Mason has spent many successful years in the public and private financial arenas. Mr. Mason is President and CEO of Waterfront Capital Corporation and President, Director and sole shareholder of Criterion Capital Corporation ( a private investment and financial consulting company).
Mr. Sead Hamzagic, CGA Chief Financial Officer - Director
Mr. Hamzagic has over 10 years of public accounting practice experience and 13 years of experience in financial management matters. Mr. Hamzagic has held a number of senior management positions in a variety of businesses and industries. Most recently Mr. Hamzagic was the Vice President of Finance for a large group of privately held companies that were involved in property development and management. Mr. Hamzagic is a member in good standing with the Certified General Accountants Association of British Columbia.
Mr. Bruce E. Morley, LLB, BComm - Director
Mr. Morley has extensive experience in assisting public companies with legal and business matters. Mr. Morley is currently a director of Waterfront Capital Corp, Columbia Yukon Explorations Inc and Consolidated Venturex Holdings Ltd. Mr. Morley has been a practicing lawyer and a member in good standing with the Law Society of British Columbia since 1981. Prior to that, Mr. Morley received a bachelor of commerce degree with specialties in finance and real estate.