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Message: Re: Apec leaders drop climate target

The concept of selling carbon credits etc is considered a left wing socialist political-economic scam in the estimation of some politicians and members of the public who have not bought into the global warmimg hype and one they would never endorse because the science has not been proven to be correct.

Not only have they not proved their case scientifically, it has been shown that what they hold to as "truth" is actually a fraud, a deception. The recent email expose on what is now called "Climategate" has shown that scientists associated with the UN in England have deliberately doctored the numbers and have blatantly lied to cover up the truth of scientific evidence - that is fraudulent. There can be no justification for this deception.

So it is with no surprise that APEC leaders are not committing to the credits and targets etc. at least not for the time being. Deceit is at the crux of this issue and until some things are cleared up we won't likely have any unanimous decisions.

Is man responsible for climate change? Apparently not, it is a natural climatic occurance and science has demonstrated that fairly conclusively contrary to the deceptive practices of scientists working with the UN who have been releasing this misinformation along with the likes of people like Al Gore and David Suzuki. There is a political agenda behind all this yet to be exposed for what it is.

Are we in global warming or cooling? The undoctored scientific evidence apparently points to a time of cyclical global cooling. "Friends of Science" have a lot of information on the subject at

Like so many things in this life, deception abounds.

A hot topic to be sure and it won't end anytime soon I suspect.



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