Message: my only concern

I third that notion on the company needing to disclose information on matters.

Also, while I'm here, I'll throw in my "good news angle" on things, and then a "thumbs down" on their seemingly high expenses amounts.

The positive angle: First of all we should have a quarter very soon where we end up selling more gold than we produced. In Q4 we produced 6928 oz of gold but only sold 6424 oz. In Q1 we produced 7628 oz but only sold 6513 oz. Hence we will have an extra 1619 oz to sell on top of production (perhaps next quarter?) at some point which SHOULD give earnings a nice "pop", or "jolt", if you will. For isstance if one were to throw in an extra 800 oz of gold sold from both of the past two quarters (to represent the 1600 produced but not yet sold) we really would have made CLOSE to 2 cents each of the past two quarters rather than just the one cent per quarter. NOW, TAKING IT ONE STEP FURTHER, if one were now to increase the production to their expected 12,500 ounces per quarter (beginning in H2, 2009) and FURTHER taking into consideration the superior ore grades that they'll be utilizing later on one can easily imagine them making 5 or 6 cents a quarter (at these gold prices) ......NOT far fetched at all. Hence it appears to me that castle gold is making more money (and with tremendously more earning potential) than what their quarterly reports would "imply". As a further side note I suppose the "delay in selling some of their produced gold" is a definite positive in light of the gold's recent rally.

As for my "thumbs down", what in the Hell is up with this "$216,000 in legal expenses and fees related to the expenses associated with the company's review of strategic alternatives". Do the Mexican lawyers charge $10,000 dollars an hour or what?!!!!!!! What in the living hell is up with that? Or perhaps did the directors of Castle Gold take some side trips to the Taj Mahal in India "during their business trips", or perhaps they decided to rent out the royalty suites in Las Vegas for 15 nights while they spoke with the Mexican and/or International lawyers. Sorry, but I just don't get it. That is a Hell of a lot of money to have nothing to show for it. And did the director fees of 90 some grand earn the 90 some grand? And why is investor relations costing them 100,000 in a single quarter? What are they doing in that department that is costing them over a thousand dollars every day?????????

I wish I had a personal piggy bank too that I could just draw out from.

My 2 Cents

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