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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: The stimulus package

Jan 30, 2009 08:00PM

Jan 31, 2009 02:13AM

Jan 31, 2009 05:55AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:25AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:29AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:46AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:52AM
Jan 31, 2009 07:34AM

Jan 31, 2009 08:02AM

Jan 31, 2009 08:28AM

Jan 31, 2009 10:10AM

Jan 31, 2009 12:53PM

This is nuts!! The US House of Representatives proposed "bail out bill", provides for more wastage of resources in the way of STUPID non productive spending and in particular "payoffs" to their gluteus maximus political buddies than it does to worthwhile projects that would actually provide an increase in projects designed to stimulate worthwhile projects which would put people to work. If there are any questions as to the ability of the now majority in the US House of Representatives to govern in the most self serving way possible their rapacious greed and desire to "pay off" their political "buddies" with US government fiat largesse, which will only provide for greater national debt to "pay off" their supporters desirous of suckling at the Federal mammary gland. Of course, all at the degradation of the US fiscal and financial health.

To quote one of our founding fathers, " A little revolution from time to time, is a good thing"!


Jan 31, 2009 04:02PM

Jan 31, 2009 05:57PM

Feb 01, 2009 02:52PM

Feb 01, 2009 03:00PM

Feb 01, 2009 03:06PM

Feb 01, 2009 04:19PM

Feb 01, 2009 09:02PM

Feb 01, 2009 10:19PM
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