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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Poor Production


You, as you freqently are when you make judgements regarding others are wrong. No part of me holds Gusella in contempt. It is my fervent wish that he would seriously alter the openess and candor in his communications and stop trying to bury and otherwise soft peddle bad news in the fourth line of the 15 th paragrapgh of a 20 paragraph document. Such in my opinion is not good communications policy or practice.

The truth is that I want Gusella to win. For if he does, we all likely do. It would take a darn fool to look at it any other way. But, does that mean I need to be a Gusella unrestrained cheerleader incapable of critical thought and comment? Well if such is what you mean, then I guess you will just have to be disappointed!


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