Good point Scott. Just the small correction .
You posted: Fact Three: OPTI's SAGD project is currently supposed to be producing 18,000 bbl/day of bitumen and it is currently producing 2,000 bbl/day of bitumen from its SAGD project which has a design capacity if 18,000 bbl/day of bitumen.
Actually according to OPTI Logan Lake project phase1 has design capacity of 72,000 bbl/d (35% to OPTI). At the end of June they were producing 18,000 bbl/d of bitumen (selling Light Crude). They were steaming only 36 well pair (out of 81) with the steam rate of 95,000 bbl/d.
Their hedges, put options (way to go Sharky) are at US$80 WTI for 2009.
I have got your point: put things into perspective because somebody else is not doing that good either. SAGD technology is a not a sure thing. Trust the management and look forward for future development.
You are right. As a shareholder there is not much else you can do. Is there?
B21 do not be full by the BNN interviews. Check the official numbers by yourself. We had this discussion before so I not want to repeat the boring numbers.
BBQ, good points in your last post.