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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Algar Operations Update

Algar Operations Update

posted on Aug 11, 2009 06:50PM

If you click on the Photos tab in the pink to the left of this box and go back and look at the early construction on the Great Divide Project you will see that today we are approximately where we were on January 9th 2007 in terms of construction. Algar construction is moving along quickly. I would estimate by looking at the Great Divide photos that within the next one to two weeks that the huge evaporator towers will be brought up the higway and lifted into place on the Algar plant site and that this will be very symbolic in terms of the projects development as the evaporator towers are the most visible and identifiable part of the project.

Kudos to Richard Gusella and management for keeping the shareholders updated with new photos on a weekly basis. This form of communication to shareholders is unprecidented in terms of other oil companies in the patch keeping their shareholders updated on the progress of any of their projects. Well done. No other oil company provide the weekly volume of pictures that we are receiving.

Question for 2Crude. Is the Akita 28 drilling rig starting to drill the 15 wellpairs for the steam chamber on pad 202 already? I thought that they had to wait until winter until the ground was frozen to drill the wellpairs. Would they be drilling well pairs right now or drilling wells to access the water aquifer underneath the pad for future steam generation? Thank you for your help on this.

Best Wishes; Scott

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