Thanks for your input 2 Crude. The point is that overpressurizing of a SAGD operation has occurred.
I am a retired Chief Engineer at one of Canada's fertilizer plants (ammonia, nitric acid etc) and I realize that with saturated steam, pressure and temperature go hand in hand. I have never seen a SAGD operation as you have and I am sorry if I misled anyone. As the steam pressure is lowered the temperature decreases. A couple of superheater burners in the boiler convection section could superheat the steam and use less pressure in the reservoir with higher delta T and then a BFW preheat coil could capture any unused heat downstream of the superheater coil. I assumed that this would be done and I apoligize if this is the incorrect process.
Once again the main point was...that overpressurizing of a SAGD facility has occurred and the previous poster was correct in remembering that! You seemed to have jumped all over the poor guy!
I have been here about the same time as Brian and am down about $250 grand on this thing and like Brian haven't added anymore shares for a long time. It is all RRSP money and if it wasn't I would have taken the capital loss to offset my gold gains over the last 6 years!
I still can't believe they financed Pod 2 a year before regulatory approval! People in the know have made a lot of dough on this one over the last 5 years!
Have a good one. I will go back into hiding again for another year!