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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: The Most Pernicious Element Depressing Connacher/Glindway

Hi Rebels

Agree with the posting about the technical aspect.

But i don't know if the elections next Tuesday will have some effect ?I saw yesterday on our tv channel a report about the so called "tea cup group" in the US wich is anti Obama.Probably there is a lot of anger against the bad economic situation on the labour market and housing situation.But the countermessures these group has in place are not the good ones according to the reporter.They would wipe out all the current leaders and replace them and start all over.Even the new rules would be changed.What the Americans call "socialism" is not what Obama is in terms of comparing to European rules.In fact Obama is more a Liberal social guy with some green aspects.There was last on our news that big European companies like Bayer ,Accelor Mital etc.. which pretend to do great effords on green aspects are paying some US parlement members to vote against Obama's rules for CO2 reduction.They by this are hoping to slow down the CO2 reduction moves in order to bring down European rules as well so they don't need to take further steps.All these companies their interest is earnings and all the rest they don't care.It's one big mess.

The US economy and labour market has come in a downward spiral and maybe has reached some ground now but it left for many people a great disaster if you loose your job resulting in loss of your house etc..I live in a country with social protection systems against job loss ,health care etc..Thanks to this system many who lost their job could survive until they found another job or their company started prodcution again.Housing prices didn't act a lot on the crisis and now they are moving even a little above pre crisis situation.I'm sure if the US had also had a system like that the impact was far less severe then it is now.

As for CLL I aspect also a rebound towards Q4 figures and if they don't encounter severe problems the 1.88 is my target .Buying at these levels is a bargin I think.

Poster Hubisan made a good posting on CLL.Something to think about in terms of valuation even if they predict they have huge reserves.It's reserves versus cost price to bring them above.good posting.

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