What many people are not taking into consideration is that we have a Federal Eelction on Monday.Unfortunately as of last week we now have a serious problem. The NDP is on fire and if the Conservatives only get a minority we may end up with a left wing coalition led by a Socialist. For those living outside Canada The NDP is a far left party whose leader makes Obama look like a right wing fanatic. Our new Possble Prime Minister was a city councillor in Toronto and almost bankrupted it, hell he wanted to make Toronto a car free zone and put motor homes in parks for the homeless. He's also an enviro nazi who loves throwing cash to green projects..Bay Street ( our financial hot spot) has already issued warnings to investors. The NDP want to significantly raise business taxes ,,create a cap and trade carbon tax,,severly reduce Co2 emmissions and limit oilsand production and scrap the pipeline..The NDP may form a coalition Government which would severely damage the Canadian economy and especially the oil sands.. markets are in a holding pattern to see how the election turns out..I'm putting in stop losses cause Tuesday could get real ugly if Canadians vote in a hard left party.