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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: CLL hourly chart/cost
Sep 21, 2011 12:05AM

Sep 21, 2011 02:02PM

Sep 21, 2011 03:37PM

Sep 21, 2011 05:18PM
Sep 22, 2011 09:14AM

Sep 22, 2011 12:17PM
Sep 22, 2011 04:40PM

Sep 22, 2011 08:02PM

...many will say that I'm being B*llsh*tted by management but I've got no reason not to believe them.../Rebel

You would be a good wife. Always trusting your husband and making excuses to not to show disappointment.

Few years ago when I posted about CLL braking their COVENANT in regards to their debt arrangements and implications this may brink you insulted me based on the emails you received from the management.

Two months later you were screaming fault when your shares dropped on the new financing which increase the debt and double the numbers of CLL shares.

And what did you do? Like a good wife you blame banks conspiracy not the management who sign the Covenant.

...BTW debt is about $3 per barrel less than your calculations. I don't see them the same way../Rebel

It is not a matter of interpretation or seeing things different way. Look at the legally bonded numbers in Q2 report on page 42.

You have to pay the interest twice a year on TOTAL DEBT which is $982,000 millions. In Q2 they reported $22.5million of interest X 4 = $90 million per year.

Good luck with your trust.

Sep 23, 2011 12:55AM
Sep 23, 2011 02:20AM

Sep 23, 2011 03:04AM
Sep 23, 2011 05:55AM

Sep 23, 2011 12:14PM
Sep 23, 2011 12:49PM

Sep 26, 2011 12:48AM
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