Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: On the news

Oct 24, 2011 03:36PM

Oct 24, 2011 05:32PM

Oct 24, 2011 05:58PM

Oct 25, 2011 08:41PM

Oct 25, 2011 11:54PM
Oct 26, 2011 03:06AM

Oct 26, 2011 11:16AM
Oct 26, 2011 09:09PM
Oct 26, 2011 11:59PM

Oct 27, 2011 02:23AM
Oct 27, 2011 12:11PM

Oct 27, 2011 10:49PM

Oct 28, 2011 09:43AM

Oct 28, 2011 05:00PM

i heard on our tv news Herman Van Rompay (Euro president)speaking on an interview.

The meassures taken by the Euro leaders so far are ok but he said that every country will haave to change his policy as well and this means reshaping their in and out costs .So he admitted it will hurt everyone .The debt need to come under control.He said politicians have to say openly dispite their election propaganda that people will feel it in their pockets.

As answer on the question if a recession is possible he said it could be possible or at least slower growth.As answer on the question if all is over he said that it's possible further attacks on countries could come along but the Euro will survive and maybe further implementations are needed.

IMO capitalism has reached some kind of a boundery.Recent bank problems have showed you can't grow for ever and if you become to big the need for more and more leeds to acts with big risk like what has happened to dexia bank.

So for the coming future markets could swing up and down for quite a while but 2012 could be better then 2011 if markets will ease a bit after the Eurozone troubles which are not over but are possible coming in calmer water.

I guess the US will also have to do something at his debt problem.

About CLL .If oil price can stay at these levels ot slightly higher could it be possible CLL goes further along with their new project .After reading the pro and contra discussions here what are then the possitive and the negative aspects?

I would like to read from Jurek if he's so negative about this company what it needs in his opinion .With the latest figures of the new technic they are able to produce much higher at lower cost.Supposing they could produce at a 20 % higher rate with lower SOR what should that give them as cashflow compared to now with same bitumen price.Just to see the effect on their balance.

I'm also wondering the fact they are producing at current levels is this a tactical move because they talked about the bitumen price as well in their latest messages.Is the bitumen price the reason they are not in a hurry to ramp up further or is it pure technical they are at these levels because with current knowledge and operating tools and machinery they simply can't reach the design capacity?Any idea's of the guys working in these industry?

Oct 31, 2011 01:41AM

Oct 31, 2011 02:07PM
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