Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta


Hello Terry (We write this in French style Thierry)

Yeah I keep myself in good shape.Most people think I'm 45 or something but sadly enough I'm 58 right now but it's because of my healthy way of living I had this shape.Do a lot of sports like running (sometimes half a marathon per year),cycling and roller blading and a little power training.Every weekend we make trips with the roadster or the harley and fishing with my boat when weather is ok.Yesterday had another super day and sold a nice portion of the catch.When it's bad weather I play a lot of guitar and make some vids for fun.I don't have dull moments that's for sure.

I thought you were a racing guy because of the avatar .When I was young racing bikes were my favorites .I had all the Japanese brands but since my 40 I like the Harley's.These bikes are very popular here.What kind of bike you have?I think living on the rock with not thick populated places must be fun to drive these bikes.

Just back 2 hours before closing and as for CLL. on the other board there is great discussion today I saw.On these boards you have some guys posting things to create fear among investors sometimes with very low underlined statements.I'm still not sure we can cross 0.34 cents .There is some romm from now to go to there and a sell at 0.34 could be possible and making a trading apttern between 0.20 to 0.34 could be for some weeks until there is real proof production is ramping up.But I also give CLL a chance with a view into 2014 that we go to 0.55 or above.If this is possible then I probably will consider to sell my BMW M roadster and go for a Porsche 911 .

Looks like the timing for CLL is also tricky because the markets are nearing a breaking point.

Took a quick look to their results of Q2 in IMO not that bad .

Can you explain me a lttle about those

Long term debt, consisting solely of the Company's outstanding Second Lien Senior Notes due in 2018 and 2019 What does that mean what this implements for the company when these data or met?I'm not that good is such terms?Maybe due to your government work you know some guys working in the financial sector.

So far reaction on the figures is flat No up or down and volume either low so are they waiting for the cc after hours and will we see a bigger move tomorow.If not then we will swing according to the international market behavior I think until the steaming well are turned to production or a mid q update is available or other extra news supporting the sp.If we don't move with big volumes next days then 0.34 could be a short term resistance and we could try to sell positions bought earlier at these levels and try to purchase at lower or just sit and wait for nexts Q's to come.

So gonna close discussion and as for you have a great bike trip tomorrow.

Cheers Ludwig

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