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Message: Problems in the U.S

Hi Rebels

Like to discuss with you.

The right rarely uses violence as the are defensive in nature. The militias and the groups you mentioned will fight to preserve what they consider attacks on their rights and heritage.

You have some points here that are maybe true.But in Europe the most left wing are not the Socialist but the "Green groups".Socialist are more between the Center parties and the Green ones.The Socialist here represents the average working factory man while the Liberals here are for the middle class ,employers ,companies etc..maybe more in the Republicans style of the US.because there are only 2 major parties .

THen the ultra right groups over here are mostly against foreign people like Muslims who will not intergrate and all other from around EUROPE are the Balkan states.Ultra right is gaining momentum specially where I live.In Europe you have many parties in government more thenin the US or Canada.

We have the Center parties ,Socialist,Liberals,Ultra right and Ultra left ( the green ones which were earlier old Communist parties).

Socialisme is not always a bad thing .It's because we have such parties in goverment in Belgium we have one of the best social care systems in the world and the best hospital treatment,dentist treatment low doctor's cost etc..You will not see such things like I saw this week on tv from California where a lot of people are living in cars tent camps and were driven out of their homes .On that point it's hard living in the USA if you lost your job.Don't know situation in Canada.Also people in the US depending on free doctor's nursing and must stand in huge rows to get a help.

Of course this cost us a lot of tax money but it's not bad when you get ill or need hospital treatment.

I'm no Socialist but I belong to the Liberal party.But socialist take care for every human in sociaty.If you only look up for the rich ones and those who belong to the working class then you also get ecxess like we have now in the US.Chacing after the money tend people to get rid of rules and standards and creates bubbles like we have now.I agree socialism is also used by people to do nothing and only using the system and that's why we see now more moves to the right cause other people try to take advantage of the sytem and that's a point I can't live with and why I support the Liberals but that thus not mean social feeling is a bad thing.

If you said Obama is a socialist cause he will help the like you call in the US Joe the Plummer and other people who are living a lower standard that's not a bad thing on human size.If you support only the rich and super rich part then you get ecxess situations .You're a Canadian and I don't know if situation up there is like in the US.Do you have some kind of support system for people who need hospital ,doctors and those with no jobs?Are is the living style the same like in the US where people who have a job have access to everything and the rest can live from benefits from all kind of groups?

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Zietgeist movement is very conspiratorial and also have an agenda..

Yes could be but the part of the explication about religion is very good the rest about 9/11 is maybe a lot to far but who knows.

Have you ever studied the accident with the Russian submarine which supposed to be sunk due to a blow in the torpedo room but in fact crashed with an US sub and later was torpeded by the US sub.The Russians always denied that and let it seen as an accident.


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Atheism is just another name for secular humanism , which by the way is also a religion..

I don't see it as a religion either the simple fact that what is told by religious people just don't have no clue at all and based on very old stories emerged in humans brains trough the time.

I just believe in facts and no nice stories.Therefore I look up sometimes to google vid's about big bang and Darwins theory about evolution.

One nice vid to watch is the expiriement with colliders.like these The Hadron collider where they smash protons at the speed of light to each other and take pics of the event what happens with the quarks .That's a simulation from the first moments in time when energy starts to form the first atoms


If you like that stuff I had a lot of vids about that like the Higgs partickle,

You must see these vid started with the nr. 1


Weird stuff.

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