In order to build the mine, they need to dot the " i's " with all the drilling needed to more accurately define the deposit and ensure the most efficient and profitable mine plan is produced.
With the remaining portion of Paramount/Big Red still unexplored and the pesky 171M tonnes of inferred leaving very large volumes of rock unaccounted for within the mine planning I would think that this work could be considered part of building the mine - or at least finalizing the plan. The drilled half of Big Red was turning up some nice assays so it could potentially shift the whole plan northeast. jmho
That said, I don't know where that drilling would be stopped. In some ways, all of the SC Mineralized Trend is linked to the main Schaft Creek deposits. The Mike zone is still an enigma but is within the current mine rim - lots of rock that is treated as waste but may be mineralized.
The further north we go, Mt LaCasse gets higher peaking at about the northern tip of the ES zone. The height of LaCasse creates challengs for the mine plan due to the long, steep walls it suggests.
A little further north of Mike and our pit...Discovery zone is a relatively close 600m from the rim of the 2012 mine plan. The south end of the zone has not been successfully drilled. If Discovery is rich enough to be mined, then there is little doubt that its potential pit could intersect with the 2012 pit plan...
Further north yet, ES zone is shown to overlap with the Discovery Zone... Then there is an Aster target between ES and GK zone.... then GK zone...
So where would someone draw the line, stop chasing rainbows and actually start mining (and keep drilling the Trend at the same time)?