Elmer once said forget about the NPV...Teck looks at the NSR.
Teck is also aware of the potential with a little tweeking.
Fact is Teck helped build this Feasibility, they've been in since 2010. They received the appendices in DEC 2012. (that's when they compare our numbers to their discounted numbers)
Even if some retail investors left, Teck is still here after all this time.
This is important , why ?
So close to the drilling season starting, if Teck really wasn't interested, they would have left early giving a chance for CUU to get a new partner or financing to start the season.
But they're still here.
I don`t know if I can agree with all this Vette. What makes you think that Teck is so nice to us? I think they will use the total 120 days even go over a bit, I think Teck is lov`in the fact that our SP is dropping like a rock. Heck the grounds that Teck renewed...they put in Galore Creeks name?
As for Elmer saying what (Teck uses and don`t use)..humm....many here are second guessing Elmers sayings, Just look back at what some of Elmers sayings were...."can`t believe the numbers, 1 to 1 ratio" .....then all of the giggles and winks.
Look, im not bashing here. I have never sold 1 share, tried to average down. but somewhere along the line you do run out of money.
Then missed deadline after deadline. THe voices that write here on this blog and other blogs....many have lotst confidence in Elmer.
Calling drills back and forth, etc, etc,....Im going to stay here till the end or as long as I can.
What we need is a REALLY good NR. ....OR....maybe a suttle hint of plan "B".
It almost seems to me and many here that CUU is playing what ever song Teck needs us to play, and in the mean time, watching our SP go down down down.
Everyone say the Sp has no barring on the final purchase price, but I ask you. Lets just say for argument sake.....the purchase price for CUU is 4 bucks.
Would it not be easier to convince Teck shareholders to buy cuu when cuu`s SP is say 2.75 or 50 cents......I think if CUU`s SP is 50 cents and Teck purchase CUU for 4 bucks, I think that questions would be asked.
once again not bashing. Just desperate for a really good NR that will boost our Sp, and not have to wait yet anouther year to do this.