If you believe everything your read from various newletters or self claimed experts, you will never be able to make good investment decisions. These guys change their opinions on a daily basis and they mainly use present (today only) or past information in making their opinions. Their main objective is to sell stories and that is all they do. If you spend your time looking for negativity, you will find it just as if you spend your time looking for positivity you will also find it. However, what is happening today will IMO, probably not reflect what will happen in years to come, especially the metals, energy market as they are way too influenced by day to day activities or incidents.
Same as using "this can't be good for us " as the subject for your post or comment, you are using a negative/catchy tone in order to hopefully attract more readers to your post, when in fact once we read your posted links and comments the words in the subject are just not directionally related with the information.