MMs, we know your game, you will lose out in the long run...I mean really, do you honestly think your low volume games mean anything in the long run. Enjoy your last meal before the final "green mile" walk...
Longs, we've been putting up with loose shares, low volume, poor support from the company (they don't care). Ignore the flak and await the crock of gold (actually, Au, Ag, Cu and Mo at the end of the rainbow)
Pumpers. wake up and smell the coffee. It makes no difference.
Bashers, same message as the pumpers.
CUU, if you actually read this forum (Jason), we are sick and tired of the games, but you know we're "pot committed". Just get it over with, we've waited patiently far too long IMHO.
The rest will be history and a valuable lesson learned for those that expected this to play out by any logical means.