Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: The way i see it

In response to Chunkytoast and Prospekt: IMO, For such a huge event in terms of company news and the direction CUU could be headed one would think and assume that these business executives would be working extremely hard and diligent to get the job done for its shareholders. So if June 4th is the date in which the 120 day countdown ends, I would expect the managers of the company would work the weekends to finish discussions, contract details, new releases, company activity or affairs for everyone's benefit. In the corporate world, there is no rest, always long intensive hours to get the job done and deadlines to be met. Thats business for you as its a very stressful and pressure-oriented environment. Even me who is low-level employee with the company I work for expects me to hit my completion dates and project timelines lol. People expect the work done so others can complete their tasks, thats what happens when tasks are cross-functional activities. I would imagine a CEO or directors/managers would also have this ideology embedded in their duties regarding tasks and projects especially since you need to worry about your shareholders of the company. IMO Generally, If timelines are not met you lose credibility (the "can we believe you" factor) and reliance (the trust factor). I am not saying CUU will miss the date, or even if a date exists but speaking more in general about business affairs. So if it exists they need to hit it. I was always a long-term believer so this date bears no relevance to me, if it passes with no news and if the share price falls, I am ready to buy a great chunk. If news comes on June 4th, then great. I think we should drill BIG with Teck money (no dilution), wait for the permits and drill results and get our $4-6 "fair value" buyout. We do not need to wait for the assays to sell to whomever, so wait time is a bit longer but again its worth it IMO. What I am excited about in the near future is two things that will bring results and added value when de-risking the project/asset:

-Permits (the 5% discount: $2,665B real options value which Elmer said is the new way company's get valued. Imagine what new drill results on the below could do to that $2,665B)


-Drilling which will unlock huge value that would eliminate uncertainty and disarray as:

East portion of Paramount can be drilled

Inferred drilled, taking away waste rock costs

Other zones like discovery, etc

All on Teck money and this is the honest truth, facts and numbers get better with time and patience IMO! I am seriously not trying to pump as I say 2.50 near term is my guess on price. I examine substantiating evidence to analyze value like other factors such as geo-political stability, property assets, management team, potential to discover and geology, financing of a company, ownership: which CUU has all these qualities undisputedly. These are FACTS. Copper Fox knows what we have which makes this such an amazing stock, we got a great team here so the value on this unique property is not hard to discover/find. Short-term if a buyout happens soon as in weeks we might get around $2.50/share. Wait 6-12 months we could get around $5/share, I would assume with the above done. The long-term approach makes more sense for value and profitability in IMO.

Thats my rant for the weekend, have a great day CUU fellows.

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