Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: reputation

Problems with that:

We bought the contract.

We have the right to expect timely action.

If there's no third party and no drilling then secrecy is not required.

They should explain this asap.

They stated "no JV and no partnership" was desired.

It's not enough to just say they are talking. No extension was filed. We don't need to know what they are discussing just why and a timeline.

It no longer matters what the contract says about the money. We have waived our rights temporarily? No notice of extension and no notice of variance. One of these is required.

They did go past the 120 days as per the old contract. Since it's not in force I suspect there is no 120 clause left. Did we run afoul of the contract somehow and the shoe is on the other foot? That would have required a full disclosure.

The contract stipulated the funds were to go to development. That's broad enough to include drilling. But I doubt we have a contract anymore. They must be drawing up a new one and a buyout at the same time.

When I sell a business with a trail period I set specific miles stones and penalties so the operator doesn't run it into the ground. I also often do a hands on non-paid trial for the operator. This also includes specific performance guarantees. If we have waived the rules then there should be a FRoR payment if this doesn't go though. We should be told asap. Consideration for waiving clauses?

If we decided to ignore the contract where is Teck in that? We can't ignore the earn back in. Since the FS was filed Teck could demand formal notification as per the contract. I don't see legal grounds to with hold it.

Teck owes its shareholders an explanation but since this is a minor deal right now they are not required to inform the share holders. If the contract was violated they would be required to report. Teck share holders don't have to know who the plumber is unless the sh!ts backing up like it is for guys like Lumina in SA. http://www.miningweekly.com/article/the-big-money-bails-on-argentina---again-2013-06-13

Clearly this is by mutual agreement and we have the right to be informed. I think they are not being seen as a respectable company mainly because of this optic. The foul ups leading up to this did not make for a pretty picture. Now, the company is being seen as antagonistic towards the investor for almost a year.

Great things may come but my biggest concern is they are going to get us sued. I don't think anyone here realizes just how close we came to an action. That would do serious damage to the sp and if they were found remiss... Hector may be good enough to keep our heads above the legal water but it begs the question WHY??? Why not be a regular Joe and report everything everytime you get a chance? I do not like this one bit. I took almost all my money out because of this. I'm taking the rest out next week. If an action is started I'm going to be on the other side of it. This smacks of foul play towards us.

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