That's exactly what Teck wants the world to assume, that is, until they have all their ducks in a row for the big reveal. Then, perhaps all the dots that we try to connect here might draw a picture for skeptics that some of us have being seeing for a while.
I sincerely hope you are right Golf, but Teck was so up front with all its other projects, why is ours the only secret one?
Back when they were considering getting into iron ore they talked about it in interviews and such. It was openly discussed wasn't it?
I can't personally let a dot-connected picture overshadow what I am reading in plain english. I have lost faith in trying to connect dots and base my personal opinion on what is factually stated. I am not putting anyone down for trying to connect dots, and everyone is welcome to their opinions.
I still haven't sold a share. I just can't get excited till I see something actually happen. Too many dashed hopes in the past. I am not adding or selling off so when something good happens I will be happy then.