Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: China Copper Con
Mar 06, 2015 02:02PM
Mar 06, 2015 02:10PM
Mar 06, 2015 02:47PM
Mar 06, 2015 02:49PM
Mar 06, 2015 02:53PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:03PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:05PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:08PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:14PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:15PM
Mar 06, 2015 03:31PM
Mar 06, 2015 04:00PM
Mar 06, 2015 07:02PM
Mar 06, 2015 11:10PM
Mar 06, 2015 11:57PM
Mar 07, 2015 12:04AM
Mar 07, 2015 12:57AM
Mar 07, 2015 09:14AM

Gives me encouragement seeing National buying a lot of shares all week and not selling them the next day


For years there have been those trying to divine wisdom from trying to decode trading patterns - all based on a preconceived theory that there is some shadow organization trying to pry shares out of the longs hands.

The track record for gaining any insight as to what is really going on using this method is not good.

Searching to find things to support a preconceived idea doesn't usually yield truth, rather only deepens someone's convictions that thier theory is true.

All these trading houses have many thousands of clients (some numbering in the millions). Assuming there is only one client buying or selling per organization doesn't make any sense to me at least. There could be many sellers and buyers at a trading house on any given day. There is over 150 million shares in the retail's hands - a few hundred thousand trading a day isn't a good bellweather for what is actually happening IMHO, instead just random variation.

I think our SP going up or down a cent or two is just that - normal variation. It has been essentaily stable since returning to this level after the previous run up before the last 2014 JV meeting. Personally I see those kinds of moves (several cents in a short time) as important to watch.

If a company wanted to add a large block of CF shares, they certainly could have been doing so in small blocks at a time daily for many months, and amassed a very large position in CF (with no assistance needed from fabled "paid bashers").

I wonder how many retail shareholders we actually have? Considering the number of shares out, it could easily be many thousands? We have a very small membership on these boards in relative terms - but some think we can effect the share price up of down from what goes on here. IMHO, we have little effect either way in the whole scheme of things.

I would think (possibly wrongly) that CanadaGrant would be considered a large shareholder (~500k shares), how many mediun shareholders (50-100k) and smaller shareholders (5-25k) make up our membership? With maybe 150 members here (just guessing) and possibly 50k share average (another guess) this board may only account for 5% of the float? I admit I could be way off base here.

I don't think we can accomplish much trying to read the trading pattern tea leaves? If it does give you encouragement, I guess no harm done.

Mar 07, 2015 01:25PM
Mar 07, 2015 02:06PM
Mar 07, 2015 02:30PM
Mar 07, 2015 02:32PM
Mar 07, 2015 03:12PM
Mar 07, 2015 06:27PM
Mar 07, 2015 11:51PM
Mar 08, 2015 02:44PM
Mar 09, 2015 09:17AM
Mar 09, 2015 09:44AM
Mar 09, 2015 09:56AM
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