They need to grow a pair to perform what is called price discovery. They have it in their head that the project is worth X, and just because they think this they expect their phone will magically start ringing. They have this number in their head but its conceived without any investigation into what an acquirer might truly be willing to pay. They aren't investigating what the market will bear.
Grow an effing pair, pick-up the effing phone and call the effing majors. Don't stop until you get through to the top-level decision makers and check-book holders. Climb up onto window-cleaning scaffolding and knock on the CEO's corner office window if you have to!
The ROFO should never be invoked until they have solid commitments from interested parties to pay a dollar more than the ROFO amount to be presented Teck. Otherwise they are wasting their time. With the short 6 months window allowed to find and close a deal with other bidders, performing proper due diligence and negotiations is unlikely to finalize in time.
Then after a failed ROFO, you have to wait another 9 months before you can even invoke another ROFO. So let's not waste everyone's time and let's get the ROFO set-up properly the first time, with pre-lined-up post-DD bidders!