Thanks for your advice but I am thinking my problems are insurmountable Years ago I bought land from loggers who had logged it and wanted to quickly unload it.Igot it for a good price and thought I would use them as part of my retirement plan as I assumed there would be a rise in value and give me a nice cushion for when I needed it.Well I do now! but unfortunately I met a woman. She said the doctor told her she couldn't get pregnant. Wrong she gave birth to two boys but sadly the first little guy died. I am thankful for the second, wouldn't trade him for the world. Anyway, my wife is now sueing me for eveything I own (her lawyer talked her out of going the usual divorce route?) I can't sell my land to pay my lawyer or rent because of the law suit Not sure If I can even sell my shares as the lawyer named all my RRSP'S and TFSA's in the lawsuit. I may be telling the judge to kiss my ass becaus I have had enough.