ARU is off by more than 25% from its recent peak despite their huge FDN discovery and Equador's apparently better political situation. ARU holders have been complaining of manipulation.
RML (Rusoro) has tanked way worse than KRY recently, despite their hints about having a preferred relationship with the VZ's. RML holders are scratching their heads.
While this doesn't do us any good, it at least supports the idea that the recent drop is not neccessarily related to any fundamental weakness or fault in KRY.
I suspect that we are being played with here. First we have Ms. Gignac of Wellington issuing a very public buy recomm. with a target of $10.00, followed up by Macswine and Carson with their Gutierrez interviews and then the well publicized report to the AN recommending approval for the Las Cristinas project. One hell of a pump and now we have the dump. It will come to an end soon.