nbeans, one thing that would differ is the fact that grz's environmental permit did'nt give them the right to start mining (initially)....for those that remember......as soon as the permit was anounced for grz there was mention of a "construction permit?" or something of the like......whatever the case is....i just want to own this SOB til they can stick a shovel in the ground.....i really get the feeling that the first oz. will come out of the ground after chavez is down the road......just a hunch...
gw, gold is where you find it....even GG has been eluding to mining in "less stable business areas of the world".....either you mine in space/underwater or you mine in some f'd up backward third world "hey joe" country........thats all thats left.......personally, i dont get it....doing business in ven is still cheaper than doing business in the US/CAN....the only differance is that you know what to expect in the US/CAN.....doing business in the US/CAN is much like getting married imo (the bitch gets half).......