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Message: "We are, luckily, ahead of the world financial crisis," Chavez said. "It will no

"We are, luckily, ahead of the world financial crisis," Chavez said. "It will no

posted on Sep 26, 2008 07:42PM

Said the numbnuts that's going cap in hand to China and Russia for a few billions dollars the two toughest negotiators in the world, eventually screw this retard and his clueless country of all their resource for a song, if Chavez think he can screw around with their investments like he has done with others he is so wrong, they will make time spent at Guantanamo Bay look like a luxury vacation, at lease the US can come up with $700 billions be it from tax payers converted to bolivar pasos you could buy Venezuela. when are these idiots Venezuelan wake the heck up!!

Venezuela, Russia extend ties in energy, weapons as Chavez visits Moscow

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, right, holds a replica of a Tupolev TU-160 next to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during their meeting in Moscow.
The new agreements continue a gradual binding of the two governments, which have oil wealth and anti-Western stances in common.
By Megan K. Stack, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
12:06 PM PDT, September 26, 2008
MOSCOW -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was feted here today with what are emerging as the trademark tokens of Russian favor: oil and gas deals; the promise of nuclear cooperation; and, most significant, a $1-billion loan to buy weapons.

Moscow agreed to lend Venezuela money to buy a wide range of Russian weaponry and hardware, said a source in the Kremlin who spoke on condition of anonymity. Reminiscent of Soviet loans to anti-American Cold War allies, the deal is one of a number gradually binding the two oil-rich, anti-Western governments into tight cooperation.

Russia has gone out of its way to show off its burgeoning friendship with the Latin American leader. Analysts suggest that Moscow prizes Venezuela almost solely for its proximity to, and hostility toward, the United States.

Russia has been enraged by U.S. support for NATO membership for former Soviet states such as Ukraine and Georgia, and well as U.S. plans to build antimissile facilities in nearby Poland and the Czech Republic. If the United States pressures Moscow in the former Soviet bloc, the Russian elite has long argued, then why shouldn't Russia exert its influence closer to American borders?

"Latin America is becoming a noticeable link in the whole chain of the emerging multipolar world," Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin said during meetings with Chavez. "This is obvious, and we will pay more and more attention to this area."

Russia sent a pair of strategic bombers to Venezuela earlier this month for training exercises.

"Russian soldiers, officers and generals made the best impression on our people," Chavez enthused during his meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, according to Interfax. "We were filled with admiration."

In late November, Russia is expected to dispatch warships, including a nuclear-powered cruiser, into Venezuela's waters for exercises. Some analysts have dismissed Russia's interest in Venezuela as little more than an effort to battle a perception of international isolation.

"This reflects a desperate search for partners and a desperate search for allies that can create the impression that Russia occupies some kind of political galaxy," said Lilia Shevtsova, a senior associate at the Carnegie Moscow Center. "Unfortunately, it's not only Chavez but Belarus, Hamas and Hezbollah. It's not very civilized company."

Russia's crushing military intervention in Georgia this summer was roundly criticized by the West as disproportionate. And even nations that seemed neutral toward or supportive of Russia's actions have largely balked at joining Moscow in recognizing the independence of Georgia's two separatist republics, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Chavez, too, carefully avoided recognizing the rebel regions. "We know well what caused the conflict, who attacked the South Ossetians and how," he said. "We once again express our complete and firm support for your actions."

In recent years, his country has ordered more than $3 billion of Russian weapons and military hardware, including helicopters, missile defense systems and dozens of fighter jets. Russia has also sold Venezuela some 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles and started work on two local plants to manufacture the guns in Venezuela, Interfax reported.

During today's meetings, Putin also said that Russia was ready to cooperate with Venezuela on nuclear energy. Meanwhile, the Venezuelan and Russian energy ministries signed a memorandum of understanding that sets out plans for a consortium among their major oil and gas companies. The deal would give Russian companies greater access to Venezuelan fields. Venezuela would reap billions of dollars in Russian investments.

"We are, luckily, ahead of the world financial crisis," Chavez said. "It will not get us."


Times staff writer Sergei L. Loiko contributed to this report
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