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Message: mining not on the agenda?

mining not on the agenda?

posted on Sep 27, 2008 03:43AM
“ AN is divorced of national reality ”
Saturday, 27 of September of 2008

Paola M. Lessey P.
plessey@correodelcaroni.com This direction of electronic mail is protected against robots of Spam, needs to have activated Javascript to be able to see it
Photo Luis Vallenilla

“We go in backward movement”, assured the independent deputy to Asamblea Nacional (AN), Medina Shepherd, when it was requested to him to make a balance of the first legislative period of this year and what it goes of the second.

“We do not have legislative agenda for this year, supposedly we were going to discuss the culture, education laws, of work, but nothing of that goes because the scene does not allow it”, it was lamented.

Recently, the parliamentarian by the state Bolivar complained that during several sessions she has been only spoken of policy, avoiding the problems that affect the country.

In spite of to be labeled as “conspirator” to demand that in the Legislative Federal Palace subjects of national interest struggle, Medina continues denouncing that the National Assembly is divorced of the reality that is lived in the country.

More of the same
The parliamentarian assured that in last the four sessions magnicidio has only been spoken of the assumption, ignoring social subjects and avoiding abrir a debate of situations like the blackouts that affect all the country.

“I understand that there is a denunciation of magnicidio that is being investigated. He is more, we supported to the commission that was constituted, but cannot be that in each session the unique subjects are the international treaties and magnicidio”.

He explained in addition that the commission that was created to investigate the subject is slanted, because only they conform parliamentarians of the Socialist Party United of Venezuela (PSUV) who meet clandestinely. “But he is that in the assembly all we are not of that party, there is independent people, they are those of the group of Tascon, are those of We can”.

Critical Medina that in the national parliament never is spoken of the young people who die at the hands of hampa. “There is no way to approach the subject of the insecurity in the National Assembly, would seem that it did not worry to them that people arm themselves with as much facility”. According to Medina the same happens to the electrical subject.

“The miners have been protesting because he has not been pleased to him, the inflation is killing to us, but those are not subjects including in the legislative agenda either”.

There are no answers
The deputy by the state Bolivar said to understand the reasons for which a commission was integrated to investigate presumed magnicidio, but insists on which if the government is in capacity to control the situation, having to its control to the National Armed Forces, the Office of the public prosecutor, the Supreme Court and other instances, “then why they do not investigate and they determine who are those that are in the play”.

It assures that what generates more destabilization they are the constant denunciations and signallings without tests. “The president has denounced the one of magnicidio like 27 times, then that are investigated”.

With the same loaded suitcase of denunciations the deputy goes and she returns herself from Caracas, assuring that she does not find answer some.

“The ministers never provide solutions because always they must hope that he returns the president, nobody is responsible for the situation of the schools or by the problems of the basic companies”, it said.

The deputy also criticism silence accomplice of other parliamentarians, who in spite of not being in agreement with which he happens in the parliament, do not dare to pronounce word. “A great fear Exists to speak sincerely”.


The deputy Medina Shepherd assures that the government of president Chávez has had advantages with which some is no counted administration, reason why it is not justified that the Venezuelans do not receive opportune answers to their needs. “No president has had the resources of petroleum as he is, besides all the institutions to its favor”.

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