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Message: Rangel the Rascal - Lack of Political Support - Carroni News

Rangel the Rascal - Lack of Political Support - Carroni News

posted on Nov 03, 2008 04:12AM

Does it matter if Rangel Gomez get's re-elected as Governor in the Bolivar State? He was the politician who signed off the MOC between Crystallex and the Ven Govnt.

Bolivarianos doctors “ ” reject re-election of Rangel Go'mez

Monday, 03 of November of 2008

They indicated as much that “the network of ambulatory that depends on the regional Executive is living a true crisis, in human resources as in medical equipment”.

Frank Jean Medori G.
Blond Raimundo photo

They made a call to the bolivarense population end the management of Rangel Go'mez voting by Manuel Arciniegas
A group of doctors - who assured to be identified with “the revolutionary” process of president Hugo Chávez-, rejected in press conference the candidacy to the re-election of the governor of the state Bolivar, Francisco Rangel Go'mez, whom he will look for to stay in the position in the coming elections to be celebrated the 23 of November.

The group of the galens expressed that “we considered that who represents the true revolutionary option in the state Bolivar he is the candidate by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), Manuel Arciniegas, this because is required with urgency of a leadership constructed to the heat of the social fights as it owns Arciniegas”.

The professionals of the medicine indicated that the candidate “guarantees a government of doors abiertas to the communities and that he causes the development of our state”.

Luis Valera referred that “a governor is necessary who executes effective policies against the insecurity, that impels the use of the resources of the state to satisfy the necessity with the bolivarenses and that nonwaste the regional budget in advertising campaigns”.

Nor a hand of the state
The declaring one indicated that “in the field of the health the efforts that are realised from the central government to serve worthy of health, do not correspond with the regional government, reason why the works done in the area of the health in the state, are product of the execution of national projects framed in the mission District Inside”.

“A true revolutionary government the minimum that could do is to consolidate the network of primary attention, but this has at this point not happened, since many of the doctors who loans service in District Inside we continued working in alternative spaces”, it indicated Valera.

The doctors indicated as much that “the network of ambulatory that depends on the regional Executive is living a true crisis, in human resources as in medical equipment, which has entailed in many cases to the closing of these centers by the lack of resources”.

Problem to the naked one
Marlenys Sanchez limited that “the little attention on the part of the regional Executive towards the sector health has left a series of problems the naked one, like the disregard of the human, dependent resource of the Institute of Salud Pública (ISP), where the workers have had to resort to different forms from pressure against the government, to leave the condition back of contracted”.

“This type of facts is questionable in government that says to be revolutionary, but that it develops a persecution against his own employees, who demand improvements in the labor benefits”, emphasized Sanchez.

Finally, the doctors indicated that “the low wages received are the cause of the deficit of resident doctors in the state, whom they prefer to emigrate to other states where better they are paid”.

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