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Message: what kind of communist is roy carson anyway?

what kind of communist is roy carson anyway?

posted on Apr 07, 2009 03:28AM

i know there is an "unspoken law" not to post roys dribble here but the following add (i mean article) does'nt apply to kry..it does show what kind of biased propaganda is being spread by vheadline...man, this is just....sick/perverted..

Ledezma: Government getting ready to break Article 31 of the Constitution

VHeadline commentarist Arthur Shaw writes: Antonio Ledezma, the Mayor of the Caracas Metropolitan Area, popped up before the Supreme Court of Venezuela to file a lawsuit charging that the national legislative power and executive power may be getting ready to break Article 31 of the Constitution.
So, if the capitalist press isn't lying about Mayor Ledezma's comments at the courthouse, here, then are Ledezma's principal contentions:
(1) Art. 31 requires, he says, that the "authorities of the Metropolitan Mayoralty must be consulted" when mayoralty is affected,
(2) Art. 31 requires, he says, that " the National Assembly must hear the opinion of the Metropolitan Mayoralty in the event of trying to make an amendment" or a change to the structure of the Metropolitan Mayoralty, such as the changes the proposed Capital District Bill.
Ledezma claims, as matters of fact, that he hasn't been consulted when, in fact, he has. Ledezma claims representatives of the National Assembly didn't hear Ledezma's opinion when they consulted with him about the proposed Capital District Bill. The legislative representatives heard Ledezma's opinion concerning the Bill. But even if what Ledezma alleges as matters of fact were true [although it isn't], he still wouldn't have a case, because Article 31 grants him neither of the two rights which Ledezma falsely claims it does. Article 31 says nothing about "consulting the mayor" or "the national assembly listening to the mayor's opinion." Ledezma made all of this up to brainwash, warp, and indoctrinate the rabble and degenerates who follow Ledezma.
Obviously from the context of the whole article, the term "intentional organs" is a misspeak for "international organs." In the first sentence, Article 31 grants "everyone" the right to address petitions and complaints to international organs that protect human rights. Ledezma doesn't say whether he has addressed a petition or complaint concerning his "human right" to be mayor of Caracas to an international organ nor did Ledezma say that the national government stepped in and blocked his petition or complaint in any way. If Ledezma wants to "consult" with an international organ about the Capital District Bill or anything else, nobody is stopping him.
Article 31, quoted in full above, does not even require international organs to "consult" with or listen to the Mayor. Article 31 only authorizes the Mayor to file petitions and complaints with international organs if he wants to. Article 31 does not say one word ... no, not one word ... about the National Assembly. Although Article 31 does not require the National Assembly to "consult" with or listen to the Mayor; the National Assembly in this case did these things as a matter of due diligence.
By relying on a constitutional article ... 31 ... that patently has nothing at all to do with his case, Mayor Ledezma is trying to trick the supreme court of Venezuela into issuing a quick and perfunctory decision dismissing his frivolous and ridiculous case. The US imperialists-controlled opposition wants to discredit the rule of law and democratic institutions in Venezuela in advance of some major opposition action (1) by falsely alleges that Hugo Chavez concentrates power contrary to the Constitution, (2) by falsely alleging that National Assembly, contrary to Article 31, refuses to hear the Mayor and (3) by falsely alleging that the supreme court, "packed with Chavez's loyalists," refuses to entertain a case based on Article 31, filed by a leader of the opposition.
The opposition hopes to point to the instant dismissal of their excessively frivolous case as evidence that the supreme court refuses to hear the case against Chavez. Thus, the foul and despicable opposition will argue before TV cameras that there are no avenues left for the opposition to struggle either within or under the law, for all branches of government of any consequence have been seized by the "dictator" and the separation of powers has disappeared, leaving the streets and violence as the only alternatives for the lie-telling scum called the opposition.
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