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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: what kind of communist is roy carson anyway?

roy, here's an article about your "lying scum opposition"..i might add that these scum were elected by a majority and are now being shot with pellets and tear gas by the police for protesting...maybe you should move your fat ass to venezuela to post your garbage...i'm sure the venezuelans would pay $75 to read it, once they got past the pop ups....if you hav'nt figured it out yet roy, there are governors/mayors/ex generals etc getting arrested daily..more and more protests and a serious lack of necessities going on in ven right now..now the catholic church is denouncing government actions..if you lived in south america you'd know that once the catholic church decides not to back your man, your man goes down...i hope they deport you to russia.

Agreden to employees of Greater Mayorship in protest against an

The metropolitan agent chief executive was struck by cash of the GN

Civil society and workers were dispersed with pellets, water and tear pumps even though made call to the calm (Vicente Correale)

Civil servants of Policía Metropolitana (PM), Police of Caracas and cash of Guardia Nacional (GN) attacked this Monday against workers of the Metropolitan Mayorship who protested against soothes of Asamblea Nacional (AN) in rejection to the approval, in first discussion, of the Project of Law of the Capital District.

This Tuesday the plenary one of an anticipates to initiate the second debates of the project.

The demonstrators marched from the Latin financial tower, in av. Urdaneta, until the San Francisco corner, to support the management of mayor Antonio Ledezma and to defend the right to the work of 25 thousand workers of the institution. Sair Toro, worker of the Metropolitan Mayorship, denounced that the director of Policaracas, Renny Villaverde, struck to an employee of the institution in the face, that belongs to the group of metropolitan guardians.

“The civil servant was wanted it to take lengthy against soothes main of the Bank of Venezuela because the employee managed to take a photography him after his aggression and wanted to snatch his cellular telephone to him”, Toro expressed.

The incidences happened while Ledezma mayor made formal delivery of a document in the National Assembly in rejection to the Project of Law of the Capital District. Its entrance to the extinct Congress was marked by aggressions, blows and pushes by cash of the National Guard, that were against the protest and to give to access to Ledezma and its retinue.

The civil society and the workers of the Metropolitan Mayorship who waited for the exit of Ledezma of an were attacked by the Metropolitan Police with tear pumps, pellets and water under pressure that the whale of the p.m. dropped.

The demonstrators were dispersed towards the place Bolivar of Caracas and the environs of an avenue University turned into temporary parking by more than two hours.

Pro-government groups that make life in the “hot corner” in front of the place Bolivar sent to stones and employee bottles public. There three fights were entered and one aggression against a camarógrafo of the Greater Mayorship, than was dispersed by the Police of Caracas.

To his exit of the National Assembly, Ledezma mayor invited the Venezuelan town to defend the democracy and the Constitution. “I mistreat is a hoop more to the chain of aggressions against those who we came pacifically. My weapon is my clean hands and the will to fight by the democracy”, stood out.

Ledezma was escorted by Ismael deputy Garci'a, who approached the vehicle of the mayor to leave the center of Caracas.

More early, from ceiba of San Francisco, Ledezma said that the National Constitution is being pisoteando and a law that approved National the Assembly Constituent to guarantee the governability of the capital.

“By that law I was chosen by the popular vote. A small group of parliamentarians to the service of a whim cannot throw by a drain more than 700 thousand votes turned that me into the legitimate agent chief executive of Caracas”, said.

Ledezma went to the Defensoría of the Town to denounce the upsettings of the p.m., Policaracas and National Guardia.

Meanwhile, retailers and members of the United Block of Conductors of the West supported the protest and threatened being united to the fight against the “upsetting to the Constitution”.

Noelia Rodriguez, retailer of Candlemas said: “They protest, until when we are going away to pierce this situation”. While, Mariana Camejo, passer-by, shouted: “Freedom”. “This Government must respect the popular decision”.

The minister of the Interior, Tareck the Aissami, said that Ledezma brought about the alteration of the public order in front of the National Assembly. “Of arbitrary way he tried to violate the spaces of an without authorization or previous permission”. “What did was to guarimberar, to generate violence and to attack to the GN”, he indicated.

Jorge Hernandez

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