Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Its clear to me they are going to combine the 2 mines LB and LC

This is why I do not get involved because then the paid bashers come out who are only able to BS other people because they have a little more knowledge than most of the retail investors. That or more likely they just ask questions that they do not have the answers to themselve but figure that nobody eslse does either.

Therefore I suppose these that certain experts on this board are going to tell me a mining engineer with iver 20 years experience about mining hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Streams can be diverted and lakes can be drained, it happens often enough in the mining industry.

The ore deposits are the same and any different grades or compositions in them is why they blend different stockpiles all the time in any open pit operation of significance.

A mill is basically a series of cone, ball or rod crushers and the only difference's between one mill and another basically is the size and number of them in series to get the desired tonnage throughput at the required mesh size for the desired recovery.

Anybody who even has seen an open pit should be wondering what would happen at the boundary of the two projects and how they would loose all that ore if mined separately.

Who says that plans were never devoloped to mine this project as a single deposit long ago or have not been drawn up over the last couple of years. Never is only 1 option dawn up when making a mine plan.

Last post, I have no further time to educate.

We will let the share price and time dictate who is right.

All in my honest opinion.


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