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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Miners of the Pebble demand right to the work
Miners of the Pebble demand right to the work
Saturday, 11 of September of 2010

Around 200 miners they bet in the entrance of the Tomi mine in the municipality the Pebble, to demand its right to the work. After the earth avalanche that killed to six of its companions.

Carlos Andres Monsalve

Artisan miners do not create the proposal of the Executive to improve their conditions of work and life. Photo CAM
The Pebble. - At least 200 artisan miners who toiled in the Tomi mine municipality the Pebble, met in the inner door of the place, to demand to the representatives of the Ministry of the Popular Power for the Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam) and the Interior of the state Bolivar, who allows them to exert the office in the mine. They indicate that not obtaining answers this weekend, they are had to take more forceful measures.

According to the spokesman of the workers of gold, from the evacuation happened after the death of six 25 miners the past August by a earth avalanche that tapió while they extracted material, not yet has received replaced official.

Yerania Lara, who identified itself like mining worker, declared that they feel deceived by the competent authorities, which they offered to return the permissions in the possible brevity, after the death of these citizens.

“This situation has taken to a condition of hunger, desperation and depression, we are waiting for answers for this Friday (yesterday) and of not obtaining it, already we would stop being the miners liabilities that they know”, assured.

They want to work
Lara assures that they are conscious of the risks of the place, nevertheless they are arranged to work in other sites of the mine without running the risk of human losses.

The auriferous workers stay in the hope of the president of the company Minerven, Luis Herrera, and representatives of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana, like possible mediators in the canalization of a solution.

According to the statistics handled by the same miners, at least 800 unemployed people, situation exist that begins to seriously affect the economy of the municipalities Sifontes, Callao and Roscio.

They recognize that they do not count on the minimum measures of security, but maintains that always they have worked thus. “We counted is with our work, our effort and with many desire of overcoming this way, because we do not have another form to live. The fundamental pillar of the south of the S-state the small mining”, affirmed Yerania Lara.

Slow answer
The proposals offered by the Minister of the Mibam Jose Kahn, on credits and advisings besides the reorganization of the craftsmen of gold, are not very well seen by the miners of this region of the state, they either did not show to major enthusiasm when showing that those proposals take too much time in taking shape and to them it is urgent to them to work.

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