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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Socialist tables of Alcasa evaluate to go to transnational companies
Socialist tables of Alcasa evaluate to go to transnational companies
Thursday, 30 of September of 2010

So named crisis of CVG Alcasa still it does not touch bottom, but while, the leaders warn on the accelerated rate with which the company goes towards the bankruptcy. Debts, declivity of the production, “socialist dream”, projects without market studies, more conflicts within the PSUV are passing him invoice to the factory, assures the labor director, Henry Aryan.

Carnation A. Rangel Jiménez
Blond Raimundo photo

CVG Alcasa owes to workers and suppliers. The desincorporación of cells, the null contribution of the Government and the internal conflicts in the factory, are deepening the crisis of the company, thinks Henry Aryan, labor director and secretary of organization of Sintralcasa.

So it is the situation that in the technical tables is reviewing the possibility of looking for solutions for the recovery of lines III and IV, with the aid of the transnational companies to which as much has been criticized.

That one project to turn to CVG Alcasa into a “great aluminum transforming” down resists with the reality of the companies waters, which - without the metal equal of they are paralyzed like the pioneer.

The labor director raised the necessity to sit down all in a table separating the differences, especially placing of side the mix-ups between the different currents from the Socialist Party United of Venezuela (PSUV) that coexist in the perimeter of the factory.

Aryans emphasized that there is manganese, creolita, no coke and more than 8 thousand lines of spare parts, “we are taking by the pieces to CVG Venalum, and to Bauxilum because we have an unquantifiable debt and we are not paying to CVG Carbonorca”.

It is possible to recover to the company, says Aryans, if the leadership “lowers of the socialist dream”, because - in its opinion the unique aim of Socialist the Guayana Plan is to close to CVG Alcasa.

After the implementation of Socialist the Guayana Plan and the closing of lines I and II, the Government has not contributed to resources for the recovery then everything has been cancelled debts.

According to Aryans the extrusora plant not even has a market study. “When they asked to him the Chinese whichever workers would use, these said that only 8 to them, because with that technology it was not necessary”.

The leader commanded to the promoters of that project to review how they are the perfiladoras and extrusoras plants of the country, “in Valencia we have piles of those closed companies because there is no market”.

A hand to the private company
Also the secretary of organization of the Union of Workers of Alcasa (Sintralcasa) indicated that Socialist the Guayana Plan will turn 2 years without to have obtained nothing than seted out, except trying to close the aluminum pioneer.

In his opinion, it is necessary to invite to the deprived company to reclaim lines I and II with end technology, and thus to guarantee the productive use to the workers who at the moment have been redistributed in other areas.

With this slow cadence of action and “socialist” distractions the company increases the debts with the transport, the dining room, with the IVSS and the law of residential policy, which either does not cancel the workers.

“We are practically subsidizing to the company with our wages, with our benefits as the savings bank that is not being deposited, neither the insurance, nor other subjects”.

On a par, Alcasa must load with debts of Bs.F. 5 billions by red concept of balances in with workers and contractors. On this scene and with the raised project of transformation, it says Aryans, it will be impossible to honor a list that costs between Bs.F. 35 million and Bs.F. 42 million.

“A extrusora or only transforming plant does not support a contract of this magnitude”, indicates Aryans.

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