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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Mining developments in Bolivar wait for push of the new AN !!!!!
Mining developments in Bolivar wait for push of the new AN
Thursday, 30 of September of 2010

The evacuations of the Caura Plan, the payment of the indemnifications of the mining reconversion and the approval for the beginning of the operation in deposits as the Cristinas is some of the pending subjects in auriferous matter.

Natalie Garci'a
Photo William Urdaneta

The ex- minister of the Mibam, Rodolfo Sanz, announced the taking of the Cristinas. It never took shape
The mining in the state Bolivar confronts operative, legal and environmental difficulties to which the State has not found solutions integral. All this in a scene marked by the rise in the prices of the gold that has reached historical maximums and could raise still more according to the analyses of the experts.

But this possibility of progress comes clarified by the abundant action from the illegal mining, that began to be attacked in April of this year by the Caura Plan, ordered to hardly evacuate in days to more than 20 thousand people of informal deposits in the municipalities Sucre, the Paragua, Cheeping, Roscio and Gran Savannah.

On a par of this situation the transnational ones do not have it either easy. Rusoro Mining, for example, jointly with the workers and the community carried out a series of action to obtain the modification of the regime of Commercialization of Gold and their Alloys imposed by the Central bank of Venezuela that forced the miner to offer the 60 percent of its production to the banking organization and 10 percent to the national market at the cost of the effective exchange type, condition condemned that it to the bankruptcy, according to showed in repeated opportunities their managers.

Although the mentioned regime either was modified for or of the company Russian, responsible for about 15 thousand direct uses and indirect in the municipalities of the south, still there are many pending aspects to solve from the State, and another example of it is the permanence or not of transnational the Canadian Crystallex in the deposit the Cristinas, considered one of richest of Latin America, and the relocation of the homeless miners whose income depended on the mining.

Alfredo Villanueva, mining leader, commented: “we are trusting in which the deputy Oscar Figuera is going to obtain that they remove the payments that we need from the mining reconversion, it has been one long fight, has not been easy but we have some hopes. Until now what yes we know and we were sorry is that the evacuated ones of the Caura Plan are not going to have economic compensation, but an opportunity of productive credits partner, but we are going to see”.

The popular “Morrocoy” as they call many to him, assures that the situation for the miners is not simple, and in spite of the possibility that some can be relocated in the case of the affected ones by the Caura Plan, this one will not be the solution while the policies are not discussed and analyzed between the involved actors.

Possibilities in doors
“Days ago we met with the Atmosphere minister in Caracas, and it was spoken of temporary environmental permissions, but we do not know. Yes it is spoken of a relocation in deposits, but there is nothing no defined, we hope that the new National Assembly helps us and puts the chest to him to the problematic miner in the state, we have the faith of which will be thus. Unique he who has not left to us is Oscar Figuera, who from the 2008 is the unique one which he has taken care of to us and he fought with us”.

In the state Bolivar thousands of people they live on the gold extraction and makes shine like diamonds, and in spite of the wealth the mining towns live sunk in the necessity with deficit in the services public, main problem that during years has not been able to solve the local and national legislators of turn.

For that reason after the election of a new National Assembly, and the representation of new figures, the mining aspect recovers force being one of the points that must be taken into account to the hour to speak of the state Bolivar.

Demand in course

The demand that the transnational Gold Reserve has initiated against the Venezuelan Government by the caused damages after to terminate the mining contract to him that had the Cristinas, in which was well-known like the project Breezes of the Cuyuní, it gives back to the arena the apparent nonexistence of public policies for the development of the mining.

The company asks to State 1.9 billions of dollars by damages, although she is quick to realise a friendly agreement. Nevertheless, in the 2009 when Minerven and the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining assume the control of the concession, whose permissions were only of exploration more nonoperation, the president of the state Luis Herrera, it informed that the concession contract was overcome, therefore the State could, exerting its right, to assume it again.

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