Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM

Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Pre market up


I will take 10 million shares at that price, 0.0348 X 10 mil = $380,000.00

yep, now I can play with the big boys like Tuet, Britnick and the likes


buy buy buy, sell,sell sell no wait buy, fung is good, no,no sell, fung bad no hold I have inside info, I well connected you know, look at me I sold hundreds of thousands of shares and took a loss, but made a killing selling pears or was it apples, yes it was Apples, sold some McIntosh apples and some Granny Smith apples and oh some Golden delicious, made a killing then sold some KRY at a loss at the beginning of the year for a tax loss, not the end of the year.... smart move because I know for a fact I will be making a killing in the market for the rest of the year... smart move, I didn't have to check with my accountant, cause I'm smart and know the power of manipulation. yep, don't know why my post was flagged and removed am so humble

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