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Message: They prepare visit of Chávez to Guayana
They prepare visit of Chávez to Guayana
Thursday, 27 of January of 2011

Labor conflicts and the reclamations of hundreds of families by an own ceiling are the subjects that have predominated in the public agenda on the eve of the speech of the national agent chief executive in east Palúa Friday.

Natalie Garci'a

The last visit from the President to the region was in May of 2010 when it designated to the working presidents of the basic companies. Photo Minci Courtesy
President Hugo Chavez will be east Friday in Palúa, San Felix, to speak of the basic companies, to supervise the given attention to the victims, to announce agreements with China, among others subjects, according to sources of the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining.

The last time that the President stepped on guayanesas earth was the 15 of May of the 2010, when in an act realised in CVG Alcasa it designated to the new presidents of the industries in the opening of the denominated model working control, with the exception of Carbonorca and Ferrominera, where the holders were ratified.

After that speech several times it was announced the arrival of the president to the Earth of aluminum and the steel, without this one took shape. Of to be certain the visit of Head of State it would be first of the year, which could clear the doubts that there are in the working class about the conflicts by the delay in the discussions of the collective hiring.

Nevertheless, the past year when there was a similar situation and in the middle of the act the workers they shouted “we are four years old without increase, have passed the energy crisis and all that one, but we do not have production problems”, Chávez said: “companion, has the minister, that there is another kind of problem, I I did not come here to be discussing increase of pay in national chain, you you have their procedures, utilícenlos”. At the end of the chain of that one time the agent chief executive asked “brings back to consciousness socialist” and repeated “I I did not come to take care of increase”.

With this antecedent he does not know himself if the President will take care of or not them difficulties that afflict to the sector, every time have been plus the operational missions for want of consumptions and resources for the promised technological adjustments.

Also those 15 of May were announced the expropriation of Matesi; the nationalization of Norpro of Venezuela, the concretion of projects for Carabobo now Refractory Ceramic of the Orinoco and the possible expropriation of Orinoco Iron, Venprecar and Comsigua of not taking shape an agreement, that not yet has been defined.

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