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Message: OT - Osama bin Laden Eliminated? Yes, Definitely

Catching up on posts, and am a bit surprised that there are actually doubts that bin Laden has been eliminated. Especially considering the President, himself, came right out and announced it. Pretty much the clue stick right there.

Unfortunately, it is definitely a sad state of affairs when the US Government cannot be believed and I do understand this. All of the various egregious Government shenanigans have gotten us to the point of continued suspicion with a “show me” attitude.

Despite that, I am in the camp that does believe that bin Laden has been eliminated. Otherwise, bin Laden would be thumbing his nose right now with another video. But, he never will. Additionally, Obama would be taking a tremendous risk, putting his political career on the line, by lying about bin Laden being eliminated. I don’t think so.

Not releasing evidence immediately while keeping pictures, video or other evidence of the mission assault, death, and sea burial of bin Laden is not about political correctness or being secretive, but rather more about being safe - rather than sorry. As an American, I would feel overwhelmingly Patriotic if video or pictures were released showing the mission and a deceased bin Laden. However, as a realist, I know that terrorists are not to be toyed with, and releasing video or pictures of a dead bin Laden would likely rev the terrorists up for yet another one of their patented cowardly subversive attacks.

The US Government does, in fact, have DNA evidence. Also, there are, in fact, numerous videos of the assault, death, and burial, provided by the latest technology attached to each mission team member. Be assured, pictures and video will come out in due time.

My sense is that the US Military is allowing the terrorists to think about current events. Letting them stew in their own terrorist imaginations. With bin Laden being taken out, despite all of the terrorist’s secrecy / shell games, the terrorists are likely thinking who is next to host a SEAL for a night CAP.

Sure, it took nearly ten years to get bin Laden. But, that just proves the resolve of the US Military and the American people. I believe this is called a Heroic effort.

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