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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: RM & Revoked Shares

JC, to give you the benefit of the doubt I'm assuming you did a quick search and came up with Kodak. The only thing similar is that both are/were in CCAA and Chaper 11.

The article you linked us is about Kodak's plan of emerging from bankruptcy. Their plan is much more similar to that of the noteholders than Crystallex.

The noteholder's wanted to make existing KRY shares worthless and issue new shares. Crystallex's plan included keeping existing shares so that current shareholders could also reap any benefits of an award or settlement. If Neubold sided with the noteholders we would already be replace by new shareholders. Neubold sided with Kry however because he saw the noteholder plan for what it was.

While I don't like all the BS we have to deal with as shareholders I will say that the current plan that allows Kry to finish arbitration is the only plan presented to the court that includes existing shareholders.

It is easy to say that doesn't mean Kry/monitor will disburse any award to existing shareholder but I haven't see one document from Kry suggesting that shareholders won't share in any award. You keep saying you haven't seen any documents that say the will share with existing shareholder and they should lay out their plan for an award.

I guess it all dependds on which side you believe.

Kodak has begun trading again under the symbol KODK. Maybe Kry will once again trade when we become solvent after and award. I doubt we will trade because I BELIEVE the company will payout the award and shut it's doors.

This would make me happy.


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