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Message: Re: coucou! why so slow here?
Jan 08, 2014 02:32PM
Jan 08, 2014 02:59PM
Jan 08, 2014 03:07PM
Jan 08, 2014 04:37PM
Jan 08, 2014 06:23PM
Jan 08, 2014 06:56PM
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Jan 11, 2014 03:53PM
Jan 11, 2014 04:54PM

Jan 11, 2014 05:51PM

Hello JJ. I guess you are a Monitor on this Board, otherwise known as a Hub Leader, right?

That would be correct.

I actually find that counter-intuitive as I read your posts over. I'm a simple guy, so I need straight forward talk to understand things. But now I am confused.

You would have to point out the posts that are causing you problems.

For instance, back on 09 Jan, you were explaining to Todd what was happening on the Board and you opened with these remarks, "Todd, there was a disagreement here on the Agoracom board in early December. Instead of settling things privately, certain current members asked GT (agoracom administration) to have a long time well respected member banned. There were many posts that you may be able to access using the term double standard."

That is correct and there was more to the post.

Then I thought that didn't sound right. Just after coming to this Board I received some "initiation therapy" at the hands of a HL and one of his lieutenants who are no longer here. Besides the deletion of a totally benign post there was a PM which I would describe as an intimidation message. It contained name calling, foul language directed at me, a description of my contributions as worthless and threat of banning me for ever with words very close to, "you have been warned, next time you will be banned once and for all. That's final."

That was my first PM on this Board. The writer was angry. I actually felt that he was emotionally imballanced. I came to believe that it was typical as I watched the "enforcements" against dissenting opinion and diverse expression of thought. I certainly didn't feel safe writing back. That's sort of like poking that gorilla with stick just after he grabbed at you.

Here's my point, JJ; there was no hope of any equitable treatment through the PM network because it was dominated by a HL and a gang who were just bullies and thugs. You wouldn't know this though, would you? That's because it was the PM network, the operative word being, PRIVATE. How would you know what was being said or what was being attempted to be resolved if it was private? You wouldn't. But you speak as though you did. Here's what I think: you are simply advocating for people who have left and gone elsewhere, just as you are advocating right now for what you believe to be a superior board.

Thanks for your opinion of my posts. First off, you were initially correct that I had no knowledge of what was posted in Private emails. If you expand your search in ernest to find the facts you will see that information about private posts was posted here in the public forum just as you have done with your excerpts from your Private email. Information was also sent privately to me by many posters including JC. (Hope you don't mind me listing you as a PM poster to me so you can confirm we have spoken)

I don't have to advocate to anyone or for anyone. Todd posted a question and I tried to give him my explanation based on what I belived despite knowing Todd had already been invited to the other board and a link provided him even though he profeesed ignorance.

Oh, but they are so on topic and relevant on the other Board... what, because you discovered from those geniuouses over at the other Board that the Arbitration Panel is considering dates? Brilliant! Did they come up with that all on their own, or did they have a team monkeys doing DD around the clock? Of course the Panel is considering dates! The ICSID site and previous postings here have said as much, after all, they can't resume proceedings unless they schedule dates to resume.

Unfortunately the other board is more on topic as your post proves. Yes I did find the information about dates and time frame as important. If you don't then that is ok. sounds however like because you are of a different opinion to me you dismissing my posts much like you claimed the Hub leaders did to you. I have botther researching any of you posts to see if your tone was similar to this post or not. Perhaps that might have been the issue if you were even more aggressive.

Now that you are also member of a Board along with a competing and dissident faction who have broken away from this Board to create that Board, do you think you have anything left to offer this Board? Or will you continue to advocate for that Board here and post distorted opinion that diminishes the morale of this Board while celebrating the so called superior traits of that other Board?

I guess it will be up to the members of this board to determine if any of my posts are of value. Not sure how I can diminish the morale of this board any more than it has already been done. Saying my opinions are distorted because you disagree with them is your perogitive. Guess I could use my HUB powers by I haven't used them on far worse posters than yourself so why would I start now.

Shouldn't a HL be one who helps fortify and invigorate a Board? I think so. I would willing to bet others would agree with me.

I agree with you totally.

We have a great Board here!

We use to have a great board here and hopefully it will be once again. I'll wait until I see if you and others are able to posts any meaningful DD on par with the other board before I come to any conclusion. For the time being I will monitor both boards.


Jan 11, 2014 08:07PM
Jan 11, 2014 08:13PM
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