Would it be possible to ask everyone on this board to email their thoughts to Mr. Reeder, I'm not asking for an ass wupen, I'm merely suggesting to encourage DRV mgmt to hear a different perspective, to challenge mgmt to listen to other ideas from their shareholders,
lets work together and email Mr. Reeder on a professional level and ask to be heard. I think if he is receiving more than one email from a shareholder, then purhaps he would take the time to read the rest and learn that perception is everything, not simply having a great property. Okay, Would that be to much to ask from each and everyone on this board? Everyday, I make it a priority to read each post on DRV. And you can learn a thing or two by each person on this board. We have always had great board members, NOW LETS EMAIL OUR IDEAS TO MR. REEDER, PLEASE......