Precious Metal Exploration
Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru
George A. Brown
Mr. Brown is an Honours Finance and Accounting B.B.A. graduate of Bishop's University. Mr. Brown is has provided financial services to Campbell Resources Inc., Ressources Camchib Inc., Cullaton Lakes Gold Mines Inc., Chesbar Resources Inc., Boulder Mining Corporation, Nugget Resources Inc., Titanium Corporation, and Corner Bay Silver Inc. in his over 20 years of experience in the mining sector. Mr. Brown was Treasurer of Corner Bay Silver Inc. at the time of his appointment as President of MacMillan. Corner Bay Silver Inc. provided a sound experience in successful Mexican exploration through its discovery and development of the Alamo Dorado Silver Project. ("BAY" on TSX Exchange).
Cary Pothorin
P.Geo - VP Exploration
Mr. Cary Pothorin, P.Geo. is a Canadian professional geologist in good standing with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. He graduated in 1988 with a B.Sc. specialized in Geology from the University of Alberta. He also received a Business Administration Diploma from Camosum College in Victoria B.C. in 1994. Mr. Pothorin is fluent in Spanish and his most recent experience is as VP Exploration of Acero-Martin Exploration Inc. who have successfully advanced the Pinaya Porphry Copper-Gold Skarn Deposit in Peru to a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource. Mr. Pothorin assumed the duties as President of Aguila in Peru effective April 1, 2008.
Carmen Yuen, B.Com
Ms. Yuen is a graduate of the University of Toronto with a Bachelors of Commerce specialized in finance. Ms. Yuen has also successfully completed her exams to qualify as a Certified Public Accountant and awaits her certification. Ms. Yuen's experience includes work as a Tax Analyst with an international tax firm.
Jeffrey J. Reeder
P. Geo. - Director
Jeffrey J. Reeder, P. Geo., has a B.Sc. from the University of Alberta and has been a director since July 2006. Mr. Reeder was Exploration Manager in Peru for MacMillan Gold Corp. and was responsible for the original acquisition of the Aguila and Pasacancha properties. Mr. Reeder is President & CEO of Amerix Precious Metals Corp., is a director of Lateegra Gold Corp., and is the President of two private companies; Double Jack Mines and Rio Silver Exploration.
John P. Thompson
P. Eng. - Director
Mr. John P. Thompson, P. Eng. (Geology) has a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. from Acadia University in Nova Scotia. Mr. Thompson has been a director since June 2006. Mr. Thompson has over 30 years of mining experience and is currently the President of Ontex Resources Ltd.
David Bending
P.Geo. - Director
Mr. David Bending, P.Geo., has a B.Sc. from the University of Oregon and a M.Sc. from the University of Toronto. Mr. Bending has been a director since March 2004. Mr. Bending is President & CEO of Shoreham Resources Inc., Vice President of MacMillan Gold Corp., and Vice President of Duran Ventures Inc. Mr. Bending will cease to be a Vice President of Duran after the next AGM in order to create a board completely independent of management.
Joseph Del Campo
CMA - Director
Mr. Joseph Del Campo, CMA, is a graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto and has been a director and audit chairman since July 2006. Mr. Del Campo is the Chief Financial Officer of First Nickel Inc. and is the Chief Financial Officer and a director of Unigold Inc.
Michael Kachanovsky
B.Sc. - Consultant, Investor Relations
Mr. Kachanovsky provides day-to-day Investor Relations activities for Duran Ventures. He has been a contributing writer for a number of publications specializing in investments and resource companies with his work also appearing on internet newsletter services. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto and offers a diversified background in communications. He is a founding partner of the investor's website His strong communication skills and working knowledge of the exploration industry enable him to act as a strong liaison of information on behalf of the company.