Precious Metal Exploration

Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru

Message: Great post by stick2facts on size and value of Aguila

Good estimate on the value ziggy. IMO you are pretty close on the potential value, but we may be going much higher in size and value. Holes 28 & 29 will probably be a bit on the lower grade considering the rock type that they will be entering unless 28 gets close to the Diorite Porphry Aguila West zone. I think we may see the game changer on holes 27, 30 and 33. These holes look like they are intersecting the Aguila East Diorite Porphry zone, which should produce some good grades. If these holes intersect some good grades we have just added to the tonnage. Ziggy propably remembers the days when pasacancha posted the potential size of this mineral resource and it exceeded the pit size of 500 X 500 X 700 meters. This does not even include the northwest zone.

IMO Mr. Reeder is doing everyhing he said he was going to do. He is sticking to the timelines he has indicated in all of his news releases. His focus has always been to not sell out at a low or under estimated resourse estimate. He has now dispatched the fourth drill rig as planned to get the resource estimate to the 43-101 by hopefully the new year and a eventual buyout. I am not an expert, but have been following this company for over 5 years now. Here are a few things to consider

Drv has a very experienced, respected CEO and geologists in copper porphry systems

- Reader has very good relationships with the locals and understands their cultures (spending 15 yrs in Peru)

- Penoles is a stones throw away on the next property and is currently drilling 60,000 metres which also appears to be connected to Aguila west, this is coupled with their already unreported drilling program results from the previous year

- Drv owns the propety where a potential mine could be set-up (nice flat ground)

- Reader has allowed Penoles to set up their mining camp on DRV property

- Relationships with Penoles seems to be getting stronger by the week

- Drv current stock price is very attractive to a potential buyer

- Institutions are buying large chunks of stock and some days dominating the buys

-Drv estimated resource is getting quite large with excellent grades and still open in all directions. It is very comparable to existing buyouts in the last year

- Rumors on the street indicate a while ago that Drv has had numerous companies on the ground checking out the Aguila property which could spark multiple offers if the 43-101 resource estimate pans out

- The price of copper is very strong and long term outlooks remain strong

- IMO it appears that increasing the potential size of the Aguila and newly aquired properties is the foucs of Reader and IMO makes this company a very attractive strong play for a potential buy out

- Headlines today indicate business as usual in Peru with the new presidency and other mining companies are investing billions in new mine start-ups

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