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Message: What will it take?


This recent piece from Yahoo highlights QS, PLUG and ENVX as the three most undervalued battery stocks to buy this April. QS is forecasted to realize $14 million in revenues for 2024 and ENVX had $7.4 million in revenue last quarter, while PLUG is not actually in the battery space and had $1.37 billion in losses on revenue of $891 million.

All three are touted as great growth prospects- QS ~350% over the next four years, PLUG's current growth is 27% and ENVX's recent growth was ~750% over the previous year. QS has their first commercial shipment of solid-state batteries coming up this year and ENVX recently opened a $1.2 billion manufacturing plant in Malaysia.

What will it take to get recognition for ELVA's growth potential and recent accomplishments?

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