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Message: The SP

Has anyone run the numbers on what the true M/C of WTG should be? I'm getting a figure back of about $1.

ASSUMING most of this is correct on the takeover rumours by WTG, how would it make sense for any retail investor...and I don't care if it's 500 shares, or 500,000+ shares...to take an offer from WTG? The exposure to downside risk is too great.

For the numbers guys out there, play with the number of $2000/oz+, with oz's moved to M&I....and total resources increased to say 8-10mn oz of gold in the ground. Add in the fact of commercial production happening in weeks and being cash flow positive. This timing for the possible takeover offer makes perfect sense for the russians...but zero sense for anyone else.

May as well put a gun to your head to accept any offer of less than $3 hard cash. Would i want to be part of WTG? NO thanks...and hopefully if the WTG rumours are true and they do offer up a deal (most likely paper)...the remaining percent that they need to make it happen doesn't get fooled by the mirage in the desert.

I guess we all wait in the meantime but i'm not expecting any offer that should make anyone smile.

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