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Message: CC only seal NO DEAL for me

"And Mr Major got off lucky since they never come around to letting me ask a question. You were all too nice. I would have tore him a new a-hole."

I agree that for the most part they got off relatively lightly and they were anxious to end it. However you need to remember that this was a public forum and they would cut you off very quickly if, as you say, you tried to tear out his a-hole.

Actually it was quite easy to get the mike...I got it twice so I suggest that if anyone really wanted to they could have asked a question.

As for the questions, I'm not sure anyone could have asked a better more accurate and pointed question than Larry Hoover did when he asked them how the value of WTG suddenly jumped from $.28 when they went public on the big board to $4.50 a short time after.

We all know it is because the management group owns most of the shares and can manipulate the sp wherever they like. It is an artificial number and not reflective of the true value.

When I suggested to them that the market has sent a message by not recognizing any value to WTG paper their only answer was the same BS in the press release about being on the big board and now in 3 countries....whupeeee. Show me the money...er value...

It will be interesting to see how they spin this when they come out with their big report...whatever it is called.

Thanks to everyone that called in with questions.


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