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Message: Re: Calm down and think this through!

Some of you better calm down and rethink what PC is saying. He is bang on. The market is telling you what CMM is worth. I don't like it but I know that's my tough luck. Your's too. In any negotiation the minute you lose your cool, you are dead. You will not be taken seriously nor seen as a threat.

I believe we have a good case to present to the OSC but you have to put forward facts and enough support for those facts. Hoov has written about WTG being worth 28 cents last Dec. WTG is 90% owned with such a small retail base ( may even be friends ) so a few trades among friends and you are up to $4.50. This is real manipulation and quite different from most of the other fluff no one can prove. For all intents, this is a private company and I wonder how it can be listed on the TSX as a public company.

I could very easily sell and run with my profits. My cost from trading is very low. But some people who post on here own far more shares than I and it would drive the share price down if we all turned and run. I think with some good leadership, we have a chance for a better deal. Right now anything north of 70 cents would qualify. I agree with PC and others that about $1.20 is fair. This is only because the forecast for this year's production, if met, would warrant this. For those with a longer time frame, yes, perhaps there is a higher price but there are too " maybes " the way I see CMM. Too many sound minds are saying this to ignore it. This type of reputation holds share prices down. So if I see $1 and that is the deal, I'll be smiling and very thankful to those who are going to carry this fight.

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