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Message: Common ground

"1. If you choose to dissent are you completely out of the "merger" voting?"

According to hoov's post, if one dissents then one does not vote on the merger.

"2. If yes to #1 does it make it more difficult to get the 25% votes needed to stop the "merger" voting?"

I think that would depend on the specific case. In this case, I think the answer would be "yes".

"3. Once you obtain certificate how do you file a dissent? Is there a form? And how can i obtain such form if there is one?"

Hopefully there will be details provided in the eagerly awaited information circular. Otherwise, I suppose you could call your broker and ask a representative there. Or Investor Relations at CMM.

"4. What is the mailing address of such authorities were certificate and dissent notice must go?"

See answer to 3.

"5. Lastly can shareholders vote against a dissent in the supreme court if the fair value proposed by mediator does not seem fair to shareholders? In such case what would happen?"

I doubt that something like this would ever make it as far as the Supreme Court of Canada. But some lower court action is certainly a possibility. This has nothing to do with CMM but, just as an example of a dissenting shareholders court case, see:


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