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Message: Re: Positive Carry, please explain?
Mar 29, 2011 05:09PM
Mar 29, 2011 05:28PM
Mar 29, 2011 06:02PM
Mar 29, 2011 06:34PM
Mar 29, 2011 07:31PM
Mar 29, 2011 08:46PM
Mar 29, 2011 09:46PM
Mar 29, 2011 10:10PM
Mar 29, 2011 11:29PM
Mar 30, 2011 11:25AM
Mar 30, 2011 11:35AM

I dont understand the logic here. Finskiy and friends own at least 40% already .. how difficult would it be to have his connections .. if these are not in place already.. pick up another 10%.

Why bother buying at 80 cents on the open market when you can smash the price of CMM down, inflate the share price of WTG to obscene levels, then do a takeover of CMM at .4 CMM for 1 WTG? If you're going for the throat then don't bother paying retail.....

Especially of the SP goes to 35 cents.

At 35 cents it's too risky since a third party could come in a buy the whole operation for a song. They just need to scare you at 50 cents, and that is probably risky enough when you consider CMM management has stated Lamaque is going to do 70,000 ounces this year.... Have you taken a moment and calculated how much money that is? Then project this out another year, or two, or three.... It's madness to give this away for F... ALL

How are we going to dump the BOD when Finskiy is effectively in charge. The 78 Million shares registered on Stockigloo is not even 30% of the 50% required.

Won't be easy....

Conversely .. Finskiy and friends likely already have over 80% of the 50% needed to control the BOD.

This remains to be seen but at the end of the day the BOD is supposed to represent the best interests of ALL share holders. I see no evidence of this....

Market caps of companies with similar production profiles as CMM are often 7-800 Million. With 46 M in cash .. realizing that production estimate becomes more probable and so realizing such a market cap becomes more probable.

Where in the world are you getting 46 million in cash from? Is it from Lamaque production? If so, why give it to WTG for nothing? If it's from WTG you have to realize that money is NOT going to be free for CMM shareholders. It's going to be raised in a fashion that is beneficial to those on top while diluting the interests of minority share holders.

With the merger that works out to 2.42/wtg share or 97 cents per CMM share.

CMM does not need WTG to get to 97 cents a share. A merger with WTG limits the growth potential of CMM minority shareholders....

Offer me anywhere near a buck for this stock and most of my position is gone.

Some people have a short term horizon. I have a longer term view and would like to hold until Lamaque matures into it's true potential. Make no mistake, Lamaque is going to be a money machine and giving it away just before that happens is very short sighted.

I find it interesting that you signed up for your account today.......

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